3 Steps to Becoming a Notary

A notary, or notary public, is a person who can act as an impartial witness to signatures. Notaries confirm the identities of individuals signing certain documents. In addition, they ensure those individuals are not signing documents under duress. It is also part of the notary’s job to make sure the individuals signing documents are fully aware of the contents of the documents.
If becoming a notary is of interest to you, here is a crash course onĀ how to become a notary in Florida.
Take a Notary Education Course
The first step in becoming a notary is to take a Notary Education Course. In Florida, you can take this course online through the Department of State. In order to be eligible to apply for your notary commission, you have to submit your application within one year of taking the Notary Education Course.
Find and Contact a Bonding Agency
To become a notary, you will need a notary bond, which is a bond that protects the public against misconduct by the notary. The bonding agency is where you can apply for your bond and pay all related fees. The agency is also where you receive your notary seal once your application has been approved.
Complete and Submit Your Application
Once you have acquired your notary bond, you will submit your application to become a notary through the bonding agency. If you have been convicted of certain crimes or have had other legal troubles in the past, you will be required to submit certain documents along with your application.
If and when your application is approved, you will receive your notary seal from the bonding agency. Once you have your seal, it’s time to go to work. If your application was denied, you would be eligible to re-apply one year after the date your application was signed.